Vivet presenting during 3rd annual Gene Therapy Immunogenicity Conference in Boston – Oct. 18-20 2022

Vivet presenting during 3rd annual Gene Therapy Immunogenicity Conference in Boston – Oct. 18-20 2022

Vivet will be attending and presenting during 3rd annual Gene Therapy Immunogenicity Conference in Boston.

Overcoming Translational Hurdles, Improving Immunology Assays & Optimizing Clinical Strategies for Mitigating Adverse Immune Responses are gene therapy’s biggest challenges today.

Vivet Therapeutic’s Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Jean-Philippe Combal, will address some of these challenges as part of the panel “EXAMINING DOSE SIZE & DOSING STRATEGIES IN THE CONTEXT OF IMMUNE RESPONSE” (Wed. Oct. 19 9.30-10.30 am) and answer key questions related to the administration of high doses of AAV in the context of benefit/risk:

? Exploring dosing strategies: “One and Done” or “Lower & Slower”?
? What impact would a cumulative vector genome delivery approach have on safety and efficacy?
? Moving away from one and done: what does best & future practice look like for dosing strategies?