Round table discussion on ‘Therapeutic Advances’ on the ‘Current Situation of Rare Diseases in Spain’.


Vivet Therapeutics Co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer, Gloria Gonzalez-Aseguinolaza will be participating in a round table discussion on ‘Therapeutic Advances’ on the ‘Current Situation of Rare Diseases in Spain’.

As President of the Spanish Gene Therapy Society, Gloria will delve into strategic discussions and provide insight into hashtagGeneTherapy and its application in hashtagrarediseases, highlighting the significant advances in the rapidly evolving field of hashtaggenetherapies. Join Gloria at 13.00 CEST on 23 April.

Presented by the Ramón Areces Foundation in collaboration with the Network Biomedical Research Center for Rare Disease (CIBERER) and the Spanish Federation of Rare Disease (FEDR), the event is a unique opportunity to interact with leaders in the field, learn about the latest research and innovations, and foster collaboration towards improving outcomes for people living with rare diseases.